
March 7, 2011

In The Spotlight

I knew right of the gate that this image was going to be tough.  Dark/night scenes with a bright light that require long exposures make for difficult HDR processing.  This is primarily due to the light source blowing out a lot of the scene.  Looking at the brackets, that was exactly what I was going to have to deal with.

After some work in Photomatix and Photo tools, I was left with the my final image.  But it wasn't exactly the look I was wanted to achieve.  Then I realized I am still in my trial days of Silver Efex Pro, a black and white conversion program that I'm really liking.  Ran it through the paces and really liked the results.

Hope everyone has a great week!

In The Spotlight


  1. Oh wow! This is crazy! I like it! How did you get the "sunburst" from the light with so many rays.?

  2. Honestly, not sure. This was just the look the glare had straight OOC. I know this was taken at f/4 instead of the usual stopped down f/22 to get the sunburst effect, so I'm thinking that's the reason.
